

Meta data

You can utilize the meta column to store additional meta data about the site or element you are referencing - this works similar to Twitter Cards or Facebook's Open Graph API.

The following attributes are supported

Parameter name Description
url The website URL
site The website name
title The website title
description Content description
image Preview image
video Embedded video
icon Icon for external application 16x16px

Monitor entries

Records are also being used to store information about changes that occured with the related object. Those records are flagged as "Monitor entry" (flag: 3)

The record text represents the changeset that occured. The text value consists of the following elements:

{ACTION} {entity} {index} {name}

For instance, when an object (in the following example a "task") is created, ZeyOS automatically creates a record with the following text:

CREATE tasks 123 Sample task

The following action labels exist:



Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ID int8 19 null
comments.record fk_comments_record C
feedids.record fk_feedids_record N
files.record fk_files_record C
likes.record fk_likes_record C

Record ID

owneruser int4 10 null
users.ID fk_records_owneruser C

Owner user ID (PUBLIC if owneruser=null and ownergroup=null)

ownergroup int4 10 null
groups.ID fk_records_ownergroup C

Owner group ID (PUBLIC if owneruser=null and ownergroup=null)

creator int4 10 null
users.ID fk_records_creator N

Creator user ID (defaults to authenticated user on creation)

assigneduser int4 10 null
users.ID fk_records_assigneduser C

Assigned user (recipient) ID; must be distinct from creator

creationdate int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Creation date and time as a Unix time stamp (defaults to current date and time on creation)

lastmodified int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Last modification date and time as a Unix time stamp (auto-reset on modification)

entity text 2147483647 null

Canonical entity

index int4 10 null

Entity ID; is required if entity is not null, otherwise must be null

flag int2 5 0

Flag (0=REGULAR, 1=ASSOCONLY, 2=MINDLOGONLY, 3=MONITOR); must be REGULAR if entity is null

date int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Designated date and time as a Unix time stamp (defaults to current date and time on creation)

stickydate int8 19 null
sender text 2147483647 ''::text


text text 2147483647 ''::text

Record text (Markdown for rich text representation)

meta json 2147483647 null

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_records Primary key Asc ID
i_records_date_ID Performance Desc/Desc date + ID
i_records_entity_index Performance Asc/Asc entity + index
i_records_noowner Performance Asc ownergroup
i_records_owner Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc owneruser + ownergroup + creator + assigneduser
i_records_stickydate_ID Performance Desc/Desc stickydate + ID
s_records Performance Asc/Asc sender + text
