

Colors Codes

Color Code Color
CCF Blue
CFC Green
FFC Yellow
FCF Pink
CFF Cyan


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ID int4 10 null
davids.appointment fk_davids_appointment N
invitations.appointment fk_invitations_appointment C

Appointment ID

owneruser int4 10 null
users.ID fk_appointments_owneruser C

Owner user ID (PUBLIC if owneruser=null and ownergroup=null)

ownergroup int4 10 null
groups.ID fk_appointments_ownergroup C

Owner group ID (PUBLIC if owneruser=null and ownergroup=null)

creator int4 10 null
users.ID fk_appointments_creator N

Creator user ID (defaults to authenticated user on creation)

assigneduser int4 10 null
users.ID fk_appointments_assigneduser N

Assigned user ID

creationdate int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Creation date and time as a Unix time stamp (defaults to current date and time on creation)

lastmodified int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Last modification date and time as a Unix time stamp (auto-reset on modification)

visibility int2 5 0


name text 2147483647 null


location text 2147483647 ''::text


color varchar 6 ''::character varying

Color code (CSS-style hexadecimal without #) (Pattern: ^([A-F\d]{3}){0,2}$)

datefrom int8 19 null

Start date and time as a Unix time stamp; must be less than or equal to dateto

dateto int8 19 null

End date and time as a Unix time stamp; must be greater than or equal to datefrom

recurrence int2 5 null

Recurrence (0=DAY, 1=WORKDAY, 2=WEEK, 3=MONTH, 4=YEAR)

interval int2 5 1

Recurrence interval in minutes

daterecurrence int8 19 null

Recurrence end date as a Unix time stamp

description text 2147483647 ''::text

Detailed general description

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_appointments Primary key Asc ID
i_appointments_datefrom_dateto Performance Asc/Asc datefrom + dateto
i_appointments_noowner Performance Asc ownergroup
i_appointments_owner Performance Asc/Asc/Asc owneruser + ownergroup + assigneduser
s_appointments Performance Asc/Asc name + location
