

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ID int8 19 null

Coupon code ID

creator int4 10 null
users.ID fk_couponcodes_creator N

Creator user ID (defaults to authenticated user on creation)

creationdate int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Creation date and time as a Unix time stamp (defaults to current date and time on creation)

lastmodified int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Last modification date and time as a Unix time stamp (auto-reset on modification)

coupon int4 10 null
coupons.ID fk_couponcodes_coupon C

Coupon ID (**dependency**)

transaction int4 10 null
transactions.ID fk_couponcodes_transaction N

Transaction ID

flag int2 5 0


date int8 19 date_part('epoch'::text, now())

Designated date and time as a Unix time stamp (defaults to current date and time on creation)

code text 2147483647 null

Coupon code

value float8 17,17 0


datefrom int8 19 null

Start date and time as a Unix time stamp; must be less than or equal to dateto

dateto int8 19 null

End date and time as a Unix time stamp; must be greater than or equal to datefrom

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pk_couponcodes Primary key Asc ID
fk_couponcodes_code Performance Asc code
fk_couponcodes_coupon Performance Asc coupon
fk_couponcodes_transaction Performance Asc transaction
s_couponcodes Performance Asc code
